Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Braised Shiitake Mushrooms with Broccoli

Both the broccoli and mushrooms are my favourite. And when i say mushrooms its all types of mushrooms ranging from the button mushrooms to golden lilies. 

Speakin of golden lilies, its been a while since i have them! Oh oh..and boy! Portobello's really really good! I saw some nice lookin ones today and i thought i might as well get it when im gonna cook it. No point buyin it and then chuck it in the fridge and let it rot!

For the mushrooms, i jst braised it with some sesame oil, soft brown sugar, oyster sauce and light soy sauce. I think i took bout 3+ hours or so, with a low heat to get the mushrooms done. It turned out good; was definitely juicy enough for me but i would definitely love for it to be more tender. 

Those that love the really really soft, tender and flavourful mushrooms, i would suggest the slow cooker. You can leave it over night in the cooker and have it for lunch the next day.

As for the broccoli, i just blanched it with a lil salt. I'd love the florets to be bigger than how the restaurants would serve it. I suppose the big portion floret gives a mouthful satisfaction. 


  1. oh my goodness...this is my kinda meal!!!

    braised mushrooms, good one. I haven't made those in a while.

    thank you so much for reminding me Kung Fu Master Chef!


  2. Broccoli and mushrooms are among my favorite foods as well and this looks like a nice way to enjoy them.


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